About Us


We are Taking Small Steps to Make Earth Better Planet

In the late seventies, after the “Pentecostal Revival of the Seventies” Bishop Francis Waihenya, Bishop John Kariuki, Reverend Danson Kiranga and a few others in an expression of acceptance to the call of God in their lives to serve a community plagued with ignorance of godliness and leaning towards a powerless religious system were divinely led to pioneer Household of Faith Ministries. They initially planted the first local churches in Kiriaini, Muranga County in 1975, Ngewa, Kiambu County in 1977 and Korogocho, Nairobi County in 1978 before birthing the other churches in other different parts of Kenya. The love for mankind and concern of the needs of God’s people inspired them to adopt the motto derived from Galatians 6:10: “And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto those of the Household of Faith” (KJV). Dedicated to service, the three pioneers hit the road with the gospel despite their being tent makers. Bishop Waihenya was working in an automobile engineering company, Bishop Kariuki was a civil servant and Rev Kiranga was a teacher. In the next decade, we witnessed the churches grow from three to twenty as the fired servants held evangelistic crusades and community outreach events from town to town and village to village as the Lord led and as souls committed their lives to Christ. Under the direction of the Holy Spirit, Household of Faith Ministries organised for local fundraising and purchased church plots as the ministry continued to stabilize. Most of our churches are located in the rural areas while others are in some of the community’s most impoverished slum areas of Nairobi County. By God’s grace, Household of Faith Ministries has continued to grow and now has 50 congregations in different Counties reaching out to more communities and ministering to members and families with love.

Educating and directing future leadership to meet the demands of ministry by becoming transforming agents for God’s creation, by reproducing the mission in others, by finding a new way of rapid reproduction and exponential growth and by following the biblical example to become apprentices of Jesus (2Timothy 2:2).

Providing believers with the skills to lead fruitful lives so that the things they have heard they will entrust them to faithful and reliable men who will be qualified to teach others (2Timothy 2:2)

Furthering the Kingdom of God through active evangelism, planting new churches and strategic participation in local and foreign missions by reaching out to the lost people who are far from God and are unlikely to enter the doors of our physical Church buildings (Matthew 28:18-20).

Developing believers into effective disciples for the Lord Jesus by restoring God’s dream for the world through the development of the perception that not only talks about poverty and justice issues, but that which takes action to address those issues (Luke 4:17-18).


HOFAM Executive Team

Bishop Francis Waihenya

Presiding Bishop

Bishop John C. Kariuki

Bishop Elect

Rev.Danson Kiranga Wambugu

National Secretary

Rev J Njuguna


Rev J Maina


Rev. Mambo

Regional Oveseer

Rev .Wanyui

Regional Overseer

Rev Nganga